“Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life
四星半第九天在大银幕前看完安哲两部短片和所有长片动态图出处卵蛋最后一幕的皑皑白雪把数日里无从驱散的忧愁盖得严严实实希腊四十年代内战的尸体在七十年代依然渗着鲜血关于肉体的不堪精神的流亡在那片腐败紊乱的土地上、历史中有永远无法愈合的巨大伤口而那些无能的傲慢的孱弱的衰朽的左右者在上面起舞欢笑吟哦粉饰他们会在枪口下死灰复燃徘徊千秋而你我无能为力融合停尸房与大客厅的室内穿插时空折叠魂灵的舞台剧形式对内把情绪聚焦焚燃对外将虚空扩张吹散海滩边无实物的踢球红裙女人单独的久别重逢、肉体交织和空濛失落难以忘怀#北影节12#27中间影院过于热情好客映前讲解吓得不看梗概的我仓皇捂耳(by Mr. Infamous20220820)